Heading Back to Canada!

This is my third post today! And you can owe it all to me having a five hour layover in Frankfurt, which is also currently experiencing bad weather forcing me to stay inside the airport. Surprisingly, I’m heading back to Canada today! Since I went home last Christmas, I was planning on staying within Europe for Christmas and New Year’s to save some money. Specifically, I was planning on staying with some family in Poland (which I’ve never done before for Christmas) – and I’m sure it would’ve been an amazing experience. But as I was looking at flights to Poland, I decided to check flights to Canada (just for curiosity’s sake)… and little did I know that there was an amazing deal going on for a specific time period. It was over 200 CAD cheaper than normal, which is highly unusual for this time of year of travel, but I took it as a sign, apologized to my family in Poland, and I booked the tickets! Fortunately they all understood my reasoning behind it, and I’m still planning on heading there sometime in the Spring or Early Summer.

Selfies in Frankfurt Airport
Selfies in Frankfurt Airport

I almost don’t feel ready to be flying back to Canada so soon! It’s only the beginning of December, and I technically still have classes and thesis work to get started on… I’ll also be missing a lot of great social events with my friends… but what can you do? I couldn’t pass up such an amazing deal. There is one thing different that I’ll be doing this year, though. I’ll be heading back to Europe before New Year’s to celebrate there with some of my friends. I believe I’ll celebrate it in Copenhagen, but it would be amazing to go to another large European city to celebrate it there as well. However, it’s a little pricey so I’m not sure if I’ll have the funding to do it. Especially with all the other trips I have planned for 2015. Did I mention that I need to find myself some sort of a student job?

I’m extremely excited to see my family and my friends – although I must admit that I’m quite tired. I only ended up sleeping two hours last night because I started and finished packing about three hours before I had to leave for the airport. I’ve never done it that early before, but my days leading up to this departure have been unbelievably busy – plans everyday from morning until night. But I ended up packing quite efficiently. I just hope that I didn’t forget anything.

Now I’m off to go grab some food, walk around the duty-free shop for a little bit, and catch my flight to Toronto. Let’s hope this break is full of fun and excitement – and snow!


3 thoughts on “Heading Back to Canada!

    1. Thank you! The flight was good, but there were major delays in Toronto because of snow (I guess I got what I wished for). But these delays had me waiting 4 hours!

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